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Scientists 600 B.C to 500 A.D

Science - An endeavor dedicated to the accumulation and classification of observable facts in order to formulate general laws about the natural world.

So know that you know the definition of science let’s dig in to the history of science.

as far as we can tell the first scientists were the ancient Greeks and although many cultures had collected observations and facts they didn’t try to develop explanations of the world around them that didn’t happen till Thales, Anaximander ( an axe' uh man der) and Anaximenes ( an axe' uh me' neez) came onto the scene.

Thales studied the heavens and tried to develop a unifying theme that would explain the movement of stars and planets. He used his ideas to predict certain planetary events.

Anaximander was a student of Thales and he studied life and he was the first scientist to try and explain the origin of the human race without reference to a creator. He believed all life came from the sea and that we were fish.

Anaximenes was an associate of Anaximander he believed that air was the most basic substance in nature in fact he thought all thing were made of air. So he introduced atoms.

then Democritus refined Anaximenes atom theory and had several more theories about atoms although most were found to be incorrect there was two details that he got correct he believed atoms were in constant motion and that all thing are composed of atoms.

Some other notable Greek scientists


We should all know a little about Aristotle already so I won’t go into his back story but I want to focus on the point when Aristotle introduces his theory on spontaneous generation. The idea that living organisms can be spontaneously formed from nonliving substances. We now know that this is impossible and that all great scientists make mistakes. Aristotle made many great advances in the study of living things but he believed in spontaneous generation. Aristotle was so respected that scientists thought he couldn't be wrong about something this important so his theory lasted well into the 1800's more than 2,000 years after he introduced it let this be a lesson to you even if someone is respected or great remember that we are human beings and all of us make mistakes.


He did great work in mathematics and translated some of his mathematical know how to science and was the first scientist to show how closely science and math were related. He was great but he is probably most known for his water displacement theory I encourage you to look it up. Here is a bit about him.

Born About 287 BC in Syracuse, Sicily. At the time Syracuse was an independent Greek city-state with a 500-year history.

Died 212 or 211 BC in Syracuse when it was being sacked by a Roman army. He was killed by a Roman soldier who did not know who he was.

Education Probably studied in Alexandria, Egypt, under the followers of Euclid.

Family His father was an astronomer named Phidias and he was probably related to Hieron II, the king of Syracuse. It is not known whether he was married or had any children.

Inventions Many war machines used in the defense of Syracuse, compound pulley systems, planetarium, water screw (possibly), water organ (possibly), burning mirrors (very unlikely).

Fields of Science Initiated Hydrostatics, static mechanics, pycnometry (the measurement of the volume or density of an object). He is called the “father of integral calculus” and also the “father of mathematical physics”.

Major Writings on plane equilibriums, Quadrature of the parabola, on the sphere and cylinder, on spirals, on conoids and spheroids, on floating bodies, Measurement of a circle, The Sandreckoner, on the method of mechanical problems.

Place in History Generally regarded as the greatest mathematician and scientist of antiquity and one of the three greatest mathematicians of all time (together with Isaac Newton (English 1643-1727) and Carl Friedrich Gauss (German 1777-1855)).


He studied the heavens and was the first to attempt a complete description of the planets and stars he assumed that the earth was at the center of the universe and that the planet and stars orbit around us in circles so he created the geocentric system or the Ptolemaic system. This was considered correct up until the 1700's like Aristotle scientist ignored facts and kept it around out of reverence for Ptolemy

This is it for now keep looking for scientists 500 A.D to 1,500 A.D

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